Occupational Health Surveillance goes beyond the general health screening and health promotion within most organizations. It involves proactive and preventive measures that detect early signs of work-related health issues in employees exposed to certain health risks.
At Wellpoint, we specialize in drug and alcohol testing, comprehensive fit-for-work health assessments and designated substances regulation programs. We have fully trained and qualified audiometric and spirometry evaluation technicians, breath-alcohol testing technicians, and specimen collectors for substance abuse testing. Wellpoint’s extensive network of occupational health and safety professionals provide evaluations that are job specific, compliance specific (if applicable) and meet the highest professional, ethical and legal standards in both a time-sensitive and cost effective manner.
Our Occupational Health Surveillance team can provide Pre-placement and Fit-to-Work health assessments (Conducted by a Nurse with Occupational Physician consultations) based on Job Descriptions; Commercial Driver Medicals; Hearing Conservation Program including Audiometric Evaluations; Respirator Fitness Program including Lung Function Evaluations and Mask Fit Evaluations.

In addition to baseline and periodic hearing tests, we provide a full hearing conservation program. Noise surveys can be provided on-site with mobile hearing evaluations available. Program development and policy writing can be customized to meet occupational health and safety regulations with worker education. We use the most sophisticated software in Canada, featuring immediate test results for the employee, summary reports for the Occupational Health Committee, and teaching tools to provide faster, more accurate evaluations.