Our network of medical evaluators and seasoned specialists work closely with our medical directors to manage and provide the following services across Canada:
Independent Medical Evaluations
Fitness for Work Medical Assessments
Complex Case File Reviews/Medical Opinions
Our medical directors are Occupational Health Physicians, and Board Certified by the College of Family Physicians of Canada...
The Canadian Board of Occupational Medicine and the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons. This focus on certified occupational physicians ensures the evaluators receive the guidance needed to understand the workplace context, risks, impacts and possible solutions. This means our evaluations always relate specifically to the short- and long-term disability claim, ensuring case managers and key professionals get what they need to move the claim forward.
We provide accurate and timely diagnoses and prognoses that clearly indicate the optimum management for the employee and any restrictions/capabilities that may be barriers to return to work
Our goal is to provide an unbiased and highly professional evaluation so that the employee and employer can have a good understanding of what the stay at work/return to work potential is or might be
Our assessors are experienced professionals, with a minimum of five years medical experience